Natural Remedies Useful in Relieving Constipation

Constipation is the inability of an individual or animal to have bowel movements and eliminate waste materials from the body. There are varied causes of constipation: Inadequate intake of fiber-rich foods is one of them. Excessive consumption of dairy products, processed foods, fast foods, is another. More importantly, the neglect of water for other fluids such as coffee mineral drinks, beer also contributes greatly to it. Nothing is quite like water. It is the only substance that the body cannot conveniently do without.

One other supposed factor –although still debatable- is the lack of exercise. While this is strictly open to debate and may not really be a core influencer in constipation disorders, it really doesn’t do anyone any harm to indulge in some form of exercise. A mere walking around the block can trigger bowel movements.

In times past, when someone had constipation, the first thing they thought of is either using enemas or laxatives to help relieve them of the constipation. However, research has proven over the years that while laxatives are highly effective in the short term, they have long term adverse effects. For example, people who become so used to using laxatives usually end up having to rely on them for bowel movements. This is because the colon muscles simply refuse to contract and cause the normal bowel movements. Luckily though, because of research, we are finding that herbal remedies are more preferable, have longer lasting positive effects and more importantly, no side effects at all. The normal fruits we hitherto avoided are becoming really useful in helping to treat constipation and making us feel healthier and live longer. In the next paragraph and beyond, we’ll be looking at the various natural herbal remedies available for our day-to-day consumption.

1.    Mangos. This fruit is very popular in Africa. I works wonders in the treatment of constipation. It has never failed anyone who has used it as a natural remedy for constipation. Unfortunately, it is not available in this part of the world as it is a fruit found only in the tropics. One in the morning and last thing at night, and you have yourself an easy bowel movement. You might want to note it in case you travel some day to Africa.

2.    Bael Fruit. This works exceedingly well in the treatment of constipation. To commence treatment, consume the fruit on a daily basis for three months

3.    Eat a medium-sized pear at breakfast or after dinner. It has been said that it is an effective home remedy in relieving constipation.

4.    Eat guava with the seeds. Take two on a daily basis. It helps with bowel evacuation.

For more information visit: Bowtrol

Irritable Bowel Syndrome - A Condition That Affects Many

Abdominal pain, discomfort, changing bowel habits, diarrhea, these are just a few of the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, or IBM, a condition that affects many. Often associated with stress, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia and chronic pelvis pain, irritable bowel syndrome is a condition that defies one single explanation. In some women menstruation triggers IBS. Some women find the condition worsened by pregnancy or by menopause. Regardless of the cause, and many are possible, relief for many comes from use of Bowtrol Colon Cleaner, a treatment that is safe to take daily and provides needed relief for many irritable bowel symptom sufferers

While the cause of irritable bowel syndrome is not known and may be different in different people, all sufferers of IBS can probably benefit from a more health lifestyle, better eating habits, and a cleaner colon. Lifestyle improvements of course should include moderate exercise. Healthy heating habits should always include generous amounts of vegetables, fruits and legumes. Fats should be avoided, or at least not consumed in excess. These dietary changes and use of Bowtrol Colon Cleaner can bring relief to many. Remember of course that the gastrointestinal tract contains thousand and thousands of nerves. In fact, only the spinal column and brain contain more nerves in the human body. A clean colon helps these nerve endings. Also remember that gas is produced by intestinal bacteria is those who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome. Many studies have shown a connection between those with IBS and larger than normal amounts of gas production. A clean colon can help this condition, and Bowtrol Colon Cleaner can help keep a clean colon, hopefully leading to less distress, less discomfort and less pain.

Dietary fat can also be a culprit in IBSToo much fat can cause good and gas both to move more slowly through the stomach and the small intestine. In this way too much fat can aggravate symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. Another argument in favor of a healthy lifestyle and better eating habits, and another argument in favor of a clean colon through use of Bowtrol Colon Cleaner.

Many people wonder if Bowtrol Colon Cleaner is suitable for use by children, or by adults with diabetes or other serious health problems. Bowtrol Colon Cleaner was designed for use by adults and is not recommended for use by those under 18 years of age. The makers of Bowtrol Colon Cleaner recommend consulting a physician before administering any supplements to children. As far as diseases and other health problems such as diabetes, thyroid, or high blood pressure, again the makers of Bowtrol Colon Cleaner believe in being careful with one’s health and recommend consulting a physician. However many doctors do recommend Bowtrol Colon Cleaner to their patients.

For more information visit: Bowtrol Natural Colon Cleansing

How to Treat and Eliminate Infant constipation Part 2

In Part one of these series, we looked at the various causes of infant constipation and the myths surrounding the use of certain "cures" such as laxatives, suppositories et.c In this concluding part, we'll be examining the varied solutions available to us in the eliminating of infant constipation.
1. Do not under any circumstances give infants enemas or laxatives. This can cause so much havoc in the nearest future as they do not have a body system that can take the stress of breaking down all that amount of chemical.

2. For as long as possible, breast fed the child as this is the easiest food type that the baby can break down.

3. Give lots of water. As a newborn don’t give more than a small eye-dropper full of water. As your baby grows up and comes of age, give a bottle of water to her to suck on throughout the day. If you feel there is a need for it, add a little Rooibos tea (cooled) to the water-bottle. In case you are wondering what a Rooibos tea is, it is a natural tea made from herbs (Aspalathus Linearis) found only in the South African Cedarberg mountains.

4. Use magnesium popularly found in the form of magnesium citrate. This aids the contraction of the peristaltic muscles resulting in bowel evacuation. Apart from this, it enables the muscles of the intestine to function maximally. When giving it to the child, it is better to start with 1/16 of a tablespoon added to water which is given to the child. This can be continually applied until the child consistently has satisfactory bowel movements.

5. Use baby enema. To do this, apply olive oil to the tip of a bulb syringe containing about one to three (1-3) tablespoons of lukewarm water, and insert gently in the baby's colon. Be careful that there is no air in the bulb. After a few minutes, your baby should naturally have a bowel movement. Do this until satisfied.

6. Massage the baby. This simple act can ease tension in the baby, improves digestion, improves the growth of the baby and generally helps her fight off diseases.

For more information visit: Bowtrol Natural Colon Cleansing 

How to Treat and Eliminate Infant Constipation Part 1

Infant constipation is a common health issue. As a result, parents have to understand what infant constipation is. For those who have experienced what it looks and feels like, it can be both a harrowing and an eye-opening experience. A child is diagnosed of infant constipation when the child finds it difficult to poop when it should. This is a scary thing and if you know the potential harm, you should be scared too for the life of the baby. When children have constipation, you'll notice various trends in them. They'll find it hard to poop. They will strain a lot just to pass out feces and they may cry a lot as a result of the discomfort they are feeling.
Infant constipation can be caused by many factors. Foremost of them is the switching from breast milk to formula or the changing of formulas without consulting with their pediatrician first. However if a child has inadequate fluid in her body system, she is likely to develop constipation because of the body's tendency to absorb fluid from the food material traveling along the digestive tract. You should also not that infants must pas their first stool within 24 hours after birth. If the child doesn’t do this after 48 hours, then it is possible that there is a more dangerous malady affecting the infant and causing her not to be able to poop. You would have to consult the pediatrician for diagnosis.
Since constipation is not limited to just adults alone, infants have them too. Quoting Dr. John R.Christopher in the book "Childhood Diseases", "over ninety percent of all diseases and malfunctions of children’s bodies (as with adults) stem from the unclean intestinal tract, constipation, with infrequent or difficult evacuation of the feces, retention of the feces, and lack of coordination in the nerve and muscle functions of the colon and bowel”. So, you see that constipation is not in the exclusive preserve of the adults alone.
Hence to sustain an optimal bodily function in your child, you'll need to ensure that your child passes her stools as and when due. Give your child enough fluids to take. Do not switch abruptly from breast milk to formula or from one formula to another without consulting a pediatrician.
Popular myths such as the use of glycerin suppositories should be shunned as even doctors do not advise it. It is better to have a small amount of water inserted in the infant's colon using an infant bulb syringe. Also, karo syrup is not in any way good for a baby's health as it contains sugar which is extremely unhealthy for babies.
Mineral oil too which is made up of hydrocarbons is highly dissuaded as it has no nutritional value in the body of the child but only interferes with the absorption of vitamins in the body.

For more information visit: Bowtrol Natural Colon Cleansing

How to Eliminate Constipation Using Enemas Part 2

In this concluding part of the two-part series on eliminating constipation using enemas, you find all you need to know about other methods for colon cleansing and constipation relief.Now that you know all quite a lot about constipation, its attendant effects and its causes, what methods of treatments would be best in the easing an individual of constipation?

1. Eat healthily and as much as possible avoid junk or processed foods. Change over to high fiber foods such as wheat, bran etc.

2. Exercise well, drink lots of water, avoid caffeinated drinks as they dehydrate you, and eat your breakfast, lunch and dinner at the required periods.

3. To cure constipation, there are varied methods. The most popular is the use of enemas and laxatives. Since this is what we are looking at in this article, we'll concentrate on the effect of enemas on constipation.

Enemas are known to be side effect free, wash the colon of all rubbish and ultimately keep you healthy. However, taking enemas can be repetitive and if I am sure of the sort of solution you want, it is a permanent one. So, I'd recommend you try Bowtrol Colon Cleanser. It is a highly effective colon cleanser with fast action. With it you can be sure you would never think of constipation anymore. In fact, experts agree that colon cleansing is so far the very best method in cleaning out your bowels and making an individual toxin-free. So you see that while enemas have short term treatment range, colon cleansing has a longer time range and is much healthier.

Unfortunately, many people are averse to this method of treatment because they feel they are too busy. Well, unlike before, colon cleansing has become very fast now. You do not have to spend the whole day in a hospital to get your colons cleansed. All you need is a bottle Bowtrol Colon Cleanse. Take as prescribed and recommended at the beginning of the day and you are good to go. No waiting, not prodding et.c However, as you take it, ensure that you’ve got a toilet as near you as possible because you can be very sure it will be your port of call.

Go and get yours now and transform your life completely. For more information visit: Bowtrol Natural Colon Cleansing

How to Eliminate Constipation Using Enemas Part 1

Constipation has become a very common ailment or disorder found everywhere in the globe. Recent findings have revealed that the modern day individual has the worst colon and intestine health since the beginning of humanity’s existence. This is due to bad eating and feeding habits. We don’t eat like they used to less than five decades ago. We don’t take as much water as they do. We don’t even have enough exercise –even if it is simple walking around the block. The society has becomes a society that thrives on instant pleasure and solutions. Hence, the spread of the canker worm into the very fabric of society. All we rely on are quick fixes. That’s why we don’t eat healthily anymore. As long as we’ve got sandwich, hot dogs and burgers, instant noodles, chocolate bars etc we’re satisfied.

Unfortunately, these so called “quick fixes” are fast becoming the knives with which we stab ourselves and shorten our lifespan. The reason there is so much incidence of constipation and stomach disorders is as a result of the fact that we would rather consume lots of sugars instead of taking fruits; and this is killing us and reducing our maximum productivity. Recent estimates have established that over $5b is lost annually in terms of productivity as a result of people taking sick leave just to go treat constipation. If you are above six years old, then, I can bet on it hat you’ve had at least three incidents of constipation in your life. If you think you have never, why don’t we clarify what constipation is.

So, to clarify what constipation is, it is simply the inability of an individual to have bowel movements and therefore pass feces. Constipation is usually very uncomfortable and can even increase from mere discomfort to acute pain resulting from trying and straining to pass stool. This occurs as a result of the intestines inability to have its muscular contractions. Hence, the waste that ought to be expelled at once, starts getting expelled in bits. If it was just this, it might have been better. But when the feces don’t get passed out like they should, it starts building up in the colon; ultimately causing a fecal impaction. Fecal impaction can thus be said to be the build up of feces in the intestine. Thus build up is what eventually disallows the easy passage of feces as the point of impaction blocks the whole passage way.

For more information visit: Bowtrol Natural Colon Cleansing

Homemade Colon Cleanse: How Homemade colon Cleansing Can Help You keep in Top Shape –Part 2

The second option that could be used as a homemade colon cleanse solution is not very conventional but it works! This method is called fasting. This method is very cheap in that it doesn’t involve having to buy stuff to cleanse the colon. All you need is your determination to carry it through. It takes time –some say twenty one days- to see results. You would actually feel your breath come as fresh as that of a baby; okay that’s going too far but you get the idea.The idea behind using fasting as a way to have a very effective colon cleansing is that when you do not eat, your body is forced to digest whatever it finds in the colon in the bid for survival. It is also of importance that your colon be well rested during this period. It is for this reason that people who fast regularly find it hard to go back to eating because of the total sense of well being that emanates from the single act of fasting.

But you need to realize that while this works for some people  it  definitely cannot work for those who have got stomach ulcers, people who are not disciplined, and more importantly, who likes the idea that his or her body is having to digest impure, toxic substances just for survival? Be sure to know that your body may be forced to do it, but what is the long term effect? If the body really feels it did not need this waste materials previously, why force it to digest what it feels is toxic and should be passed out as waste? So you can see now that except you are comfortable with the idea, it is not a very good option to take. The third method you can use and has been tested and tried as a surefire ay to get your colon cleansed is by eating lot of fibers to enable regular bowel movements and passing out of the feces frequently. As result, it is possible to see that among many homemade colon cleanse prescriptions or recommendations is the inclusion of loads of fibers in your diet. This will enhance the movement of the bowels in a short period. One of such fiber rich foods is prune juice. It is advised that if you want to increase the frequency of the bowel movements, then it is a sure option and works too. It helps loosen up the stool and promotes easier passage of the stool hence preventing lots of straining and disallowing the impaction of feces on the colon wall.However, if the feces was there before you started taking the prune juice, you might have a little problem. You will not be able to get rid of the feces that is already stuck to the walls of the colon. So you see that unless you really enjoy eating prune –as you’d have to eat a lot to notice any effect- it really takes time to work. If you’ve got that time, good. If not, then you can see you need a better alternative.

For more information visit: Bowtrol